Saturday, July 30, 2011

This article is in regards to Olivia Newton-John's daughter Chloe Lattanzi.

Whatever you do can influence others! That's the media and advertising giants spend millions of dollars researching the psychological behavior of people, how colors, shapes and sound effect their emotions and physical senses. Therefore, by understanding the reactions of emotions and physical senses, the industries can trigger or influence, in the subconscious levels, behaviors, desires, and decisions in purchasing products.

With the physical senses, you see people purchasing impulsively; they buy by sight, color, shape, etc., the ‘ooh’ factor, like kids in a candy shop. They buy for status, “I ‘gotta’ have that!” In the subconscious level, they desire to be like so and so, or in the ‘in crowd’.  They visualize themselves like or equal to a know celebrity, or clique.

Some buy to feel good, or safe. The emotions, here you find people saying or thinking, if I buy these features with this car, or this gadget for this or that product, it will protect me, make me feel comfortable, happy, etc., etc.

You could scream all the freedom of expression you want. And I’m for freedom of expression. You might think that it was done in fun, and it could be. But whatever you do whether in ignorance or not, you will have influence over someone, eventually, to make the wrong choice. You might not even be aware of the occurrence.

The reasons we have debt crisis, murder, rape, disrespect for others, people stealing, children having babies, disregard for authorities, you name it, is due largely by the influence of others, Hollywood, Advertising industries, music, art, etc.

We should use our freedom of speech to influence others in a positive way, not in a way that would hurt others. Eventually, whether here or in the afterlife, “…You will reap what you sow!”

This video will impact some people in the wrong way, but once dead, it will be too, late to change your mind. Ops!

By Fred Medina

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At August 15, 2011 at 11:43 PM , Blogger Wings said...

America is in financial ruins because of the mismanagement of monies, financial players, and greedy financial institutions with their payment schemes, and not following the golden rule of forgiving consumers’’ debts after a 7 year period.

If they (the financial gurus) followed an old biblical rule of forgiving debts after a period of 7 years, the consumers, then, would be able to partially save their monies for future expenses and, also, presently spend some of the monies for their current expenditures.

The government, just like the consumers, is having a difficult time paying their debts. The government is spending more than what they make and the consumer is pushed to buy more and more of what they don’t need at a price not suitable and in proportion to what they make.

The financial system is gear into pushing people into buying more, better, bigger, nicer, etc. and if not make them feel inadequate and impoverished for not doing so. “The more you want the more you buy, the more you buy the more you spend, the more you spend the more you work, the more you work the more entrapped you become in this vicious cycle and the less time you have to spent with your family and this becomes a problem.”

What the financial institutions, lenders, car dealers, real estate brokers fail to understand is that not everybody makes $40 thousand plus a year salary. The majority makes under $25 thousand plus a year salary. Moreover, they know this because they do research and assessments; the cost of living is adjusted for those making $80 thousand plus a year salary. It’s a wonder why this country and many others trying to imitate America are so screwed up.
Fred Medina Jr.


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