Monday, August 29, 2011

Hurricane Irene

Man, this hurricane wrecked havoc on our eastern coast, all the way from Puerto Rico to Vermont. I bet you didn’t see this coming. When have you ever heard of a hurricane touch land in New York? It’s been somewhere in the 1800s. And to top that off, we had an earthquake last week in Virginia, a 5.85 tremor.

Is seems that a natural nature is acting up and out of sync.  What are we doing different that, maybe, is causing this phenomenon?

Of course scientists claim to have all the answers. Their entire hypothesis is based on the science of human perception; and they follow their argument with either: these events occurred hundreds of years ago but were not recorded, or our Julian Calendar is off by a few months because of leap year; therefore, it is not accurate in aligning with the true seasons; that’s why our seasons are out of sync. Here’s a good one: the polar caps are melting faster and pouring more fresh water into the oceans causing climatic changes; moreover, the more water we have in the ocean, the floods we will receive during a thunder storm, (Personally, I find this on partly true) and so forth.

But there is one factor that scientists have left out. If you would like to know the answers post your comments here, and you’ll be surprise at the answers. No! For those who are thinking aliens! They are not aliens.

Signing off;

Fred medina